Steepster was not cooperating the other day when I drank this and though I have not been posting lately I just had to share how amazing this tea blend is. It is seriously a masterpiece! It was exactly what I wanted and needed with my thai spring rolls and noddles, it stood up to the food and kept its flavor going through nearly a dozen steeps long after the meal.
Many months ago I was a wee bit disappointed by Verdant’s Elderberry Spice Pu’erh only because I was getting more heat than Elderberry. I think its mostly about expectations, because while this one doesn’t have elderberry in the name, it is fully present and well balanced by the licorice, ginger and sichuan. I love what this does to my mouth. It’s sweet and decadent and juicy and spicy and numbing and I can still find the base tea in this, one of my favorite shu.
I seriously could drink this all winter. Except for one problem, I only ordered the sample size. Something that must be remedied very soon. First though I am going to order some of this for my brother’s long time girlfriend and fellow spiced tea lover, along with Verdant’s two chai blends. Plus I need to try the other fall/winter Verdant blends waiting for me. But I will certainly order plenty of this to drink through January and February!
I absolutely LOVE this blend!!!
In fact, I am missing a 2 oz bag of it. I know it’s around here somewhere, there is no way I could have drank the whole thing already!