When I placed my most recent Lupicia order, I had purchased a “medium” mesh infuser, believing it would fit my current teapot. It turns out I was wrong. It was too big, but it was the perfect fit for my oversized latte mug I purchased from Target sometime last year? Super happy, because I hated using it for tea. I never had an infuser large enough to steep a large quantity of tea.
Anyway, there’s a point to this. I should probably get to it. I made this today partly in celebration of Beck releasing the lead single to his upcoming album(, and I am “forever nuts” ‘bout Beck; haha, I am hilarious). It — the tea, that is — was given to me by Steepster user Abby Noelle. It was a little baby tin (hadn’t realized David’s Tea’s tea samplers were so absolutely adorable) and was enough for at least two small cups or one HUGE cup of tea. I obviously chose the latter. I mean, I wrote an introduction paragraph that foresaw that outcome.
I really liked it. I don’t sweeten my tea very often, so I had this one straight. I love almonds, so I appreciated the taste super well. I didn’t see how it was spicy, though. It tasted more sweet to me, but maybe that’s due to the fact I couldn’t really taste the cinnamon. I will have to do a second steeping to see if that draws it out more. But — yeah, this is a super messy log, I know. I just liked this tea, and after looking at their website, it’s super cheap. I would definitely pick up ounces of this.