I came on here to review this and saw that I haven’t added it to my cupboard again since I drank the last pouch. Well, I just added it but it will be taken off again soon because I am about to finish this one off again.
Sometimes I wish I could make myself just order from two or three companies and have a nice, neat, matchy tea shelf. But then a company does something so well that I have to venture off and order this one from here and anither from there. That’s how it is with this tea for me.
This is a really basic tea, nothing super fancy but I think it has really good flavor and makes for a great breakfast blend for me. I served it at Writers’ Group a couple of nights ago and a man said he didnt drink much black tea because it is bitter to him, but this one wasn’t bitter and he liked it. He had several cups in fact.
I had it hot earlier and the pot long since cooled off but I didnt want to pour it out and I didnt want anything else hot, so I am drinking it cold and it is really good. I guess I will be re-ordering this again, and possibly some of their greens as well.
Love this one. Ungoofable.