This is a light colored tea and has a light but complex and interesting body. I love this one alone or with a light snack like delicate tea cookies. I would NEVER add milk to this one, but I love it with just a touch of sugar. I guess it makes sense that since this is Taiwan’s only black tea it would behave and taste a bit like an oolong. You can brew this tea at least three times, and it is almost impossible to oversteep it – it just doesn’t get bitter! I read that it should be steeped for 8 minutes on the first steeping, and even after that time was still very light in color. On my second steeping I actually forgot about it and was afraid it was ruined, but it was still delightful! This is one I will not let supplies get low. My youngest child is not a fan of greens or oolongs ( and I am not overfond of oolongs myself) but loves this tea.
8 min or more