drank Irish Breakfast by Harney & Sons
3522 tasting notes

I have a dear friend who loves rainy and cloudy days. She finds them romantic. I always think of her when it is cloudy, which is the only good thing I can find about repeated cloudy days.

The sun is like a drug for me. When we lived in a duplex, I kept my nose pressed against the glass of the window looking outside. An older man down the street saved my sanity by telling me that I was welcome to come and wheel the baby around his lake anytime I wanted.

On the first warm days of spring I bare my arms and look toward the sun with closed eyes and feel my brain start pumping out all kinds of feel good chemicals.

So four days straight of heavy cloud cover is not sitting well. Plus, these are our first really truly chilly days.

IRISH BREAKFAST TO THE RESCUE! A whole pot to myself, taken with milk and sugar, to fortify me until the sun returns! You know, a pot of tea really does make the day more romantic. Now if I could just settle in with a good book instead of having to teach geometry to my little geometry-atheist…

Oh, she just refuted my last statement, saying that she isn’t a geometry atheist as she knows all too well that it exists. So, would she be called an anageometer? An anti-geometrist? Conscientious objector? I think she needs tea. Off to put kettle on….

Hesper June

Ha! I am with your friend.
I need the rain, and mist and fog.
(and on a more serious note, my breathing issues actually disappear when there is more humidity in there air)
Of course, I am currently living in a high desert where rain is very very infrequent.
Oh, well!


Would you like to trade places for a few days? LOL! (But only if you finish painting the kitchen while I am basking in your sun! Hehe)

Hesper June

Hey! I am weird and I love painting, so its a deal:)


mmmm i love rainy cloudy days.


I run on solar batteries. I think they are located somewhere in the back of my neck. Come February, I have to fake sunny skies by wearing obnoxiously-brightly-colored sweaters. (And of course, I live with two moles who run around with the lights off at night.)


Oh, I’m the same way with the sun. Just a couple cloudy days can ruin my outlook and sap my energy. I use a Verlilux full-spectrum lamp on my desk, and started taking a Vitamin D supplement last year. They help, but only slightly. The only thing that really works is sunshine! My DH (who loves the cold and winter) calls me his “solar powered wife.” LOL at least my cats understand.


Love the tea! Poor daughter. I’ve always had a math block. However, I always scored very high in logic and was the top student in my technical college. No idea why!?! I hated algebra and geometry! If someone had ever come up with a way to teach the whole bloody thing in a cooking context, I would have been open to it and brilliant!


I have always longed for a tiny glass room that would keep the wind off of me and allow me to start getting sun on my skin even earlier in the year. Good thing I live where I do…I really could not take a Northern winter!


She definitely has some kind of geometry block! She loved algebra and did well in it, and so far is making A’s and B’s on her tests, but the daily work is like pulling teeth.

Rebecca Lynn

Yeah, northern winters are kind of rough. I have one of those Seasonal Affective Disorder lamps that I turn on when I’m doing my homework in the evening…otherwise I’ll fall asleep at like 7 pm! I call it my happy lamp __


I have seriously considered a “happy lamp,” but the first ones I looked at were so pricey it kind of scared me off.


Do Ott lights count for that? If so, they go on half price sales at JoAnn’s often!

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Hesper June

Ha! I am with your friend.
I need the rain, and mist and fog.
(and on a more serious note, my breathing issues actually disappear when there is more humidity in there air)
Of course, I am currently living in a high desert where rain is very very infrequent.
Oh, well!


Would you like to trade places for a few days? LOL! (But only if you finish painting the kitchen while I am basking in your sun! Hehe)

Hesper June

Hey! I am weird and I love painting, so its a deal:)


mmmm i love rainy cloudy days.


I run on solar batteries. I think they are located somewhere in the back of my neck. Come February, I have to fake sunny skies by wearing obnoxiously-brightly-colored sweaters. (And of course, I live with two moles who run around with the lights off at night.)


Oh, I’m the same way with the sun. Just a couple cloudy days can ruin my outlook and sap my energy. I use a Verlilux full-spectrum lamp on my desk, and started taking a Vitamin D supplement last year. They help, but only slightly. The only thing that really works is sunshine! My DH (who loves the cold and winter) calls me his “solar powered wife.” LOL at least my cats understand.


Love the tea! Poor daughter. I’ve always had a math block. However, I always scored very high in logic and was the top student in my technical college. No idea why!?! I hated algebra and geometry! If someone had ever come up with a way to teach the whole bloody thing in a cooking context, I would have been open to it and brilliant!


I have always longed for a tiny glass room that would keep the wind off of me and allow me to start getting sun on my skin even earlier in the year. Good thing I live where I do…I really could not take a Northern winter!


She definitely has some kind of geometry block! She loved algebra and did well in it, and so far is making A’s and B’s on her tests, but the daily work is like pulling teeth.

Rebecca Lynn

Yeah, northern winters are kind of rough. I have one of those Seasonal Affective Disorder lamps that I turn on when I’m doing my homework in the evening…otherwise I’ll fall asleep at like 7 pm! I call it my happy lamp __


I have seriously considered a “happy lamp,” but the first ones I looked at were so pricey it kind of scared me off.


Do Ott lights count for that? If so, they go on half price sales at JoAnn’s often!

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I am a music teacher, tutor, and former homeschool mom (25 years!) who started drinking loose leaf tea about fifteen years ago! My daughters and I have tea every day, and we are frequently joined by my students or friends for “tea time.” Now my hubby joins us, too. His tastes have evolved from Tetley with milk and sugar to mostly unadorned greens and oolongs.

We have learned so much history, geography, and culture in this journey.

My avatar is a mole in a teacup! Long story…


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