drank Grapefruit Granita by DAVIDsTEA
2987 tasting notes

Eww, this tastes like grapefruit. There’s a reason I don’t like grapefruits, and I see they’ve transferred its acrid bitterness to this blend. Tried an in-store sample; I will not be doing that again.

Flavors: Bitter, Bitter Melon, Citrus Zest, Grapefruit


Oh, geez. Sometimes it’s possible to be disappointed by flavouring accuracy (been there). I love how the flavour list makes it look like “bitter, bitter melon” just in case there wasn’t enough emphasis.


So bitter. It could have been drinkable, but no. They went and made it accurate to its name. Don’t think know that every single tea they release must cater to my tastes and not the rest of their customer base? lol


If you don’t like grapefruit, then why try a tea with the name ‘grapefruit’ in it?!


They offered it, I thought it might be citrusy. I don’t dislike grapefruit flavour so much as the bitter/acrid flavour that the fruit has. I’m in search of iced teas, so I’ll try anything fruity (even if I don’t think I\ll like it). Next year/in the future when I go looking for teas to buy for iced tea season, I can review my notes and I’ll know I didn’t like this one.


Grape fruit juice is either sublime or it is horrible. If you take just the fruit, without any skin or rind, and you add sugar to it, it’s delicious. However once you add in the white pith under the peel or the stuff seperating the segments then you get a lot of bitterness.


Just for comparison, I had freshly squeezed orange juice yesterday. In this case, the essential oils add to the taste of the orange juice (premium orange juice brands use these to keep their stored product fresh.)


As someone who actually loves grapefruit but also lives with people who hate it, I find your documented unintended exposure extremely helpful. :)

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Oh, geez. Sometimes it’s possible to be disappointed by flavouring accuracy (been there). I love how the flavour list makes it look like “bitter, bitter melon” just in case there wasn’t enough emphasis.


So bitter. It could have been drinkable, but no. They went and made it accurate to its name. Don’t think know that every single tea they release must cater to my tastes and not the rest of their customer base? lol


If you don’t like grapefruit, then why try a tea with the name ‘grapefruit’ in it?!


They offered it, I thought it might be citrusy. I don’t dislike grapefruit flavour so much as the bitter/acrid flavour that the fruit has. I’m in search of iced teas, so I’ll try anything fruity (even if I don’t think I\ll like it). Next year/in the future when I go looking for teas to buy for iced tea season, I can review my notes and I’ll know I didn’t like this one.


Grape fruit juice is either sublime or it is horrible. If you take just the fruit, without any skin or rind, and you add sugar to it, it’s delicious. However once you add in the white pith under the peel or the stuff seperating the segments then you get a lot of bitterness.


Just for comparison, I had freshly squeezed orange juice yesterday. In this case, the essential oils add to the taste of the orange juice (premium orange juice brands use these to keep their stored product fresh.)


As someone who actually loves grapefruit but also lives with people who hate it, I find your documented unintended exposure extremely helpful. :)

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I am a biochem major hoping for a career in research genetics and evolutionary biology. I love science fiction and spend too much of my time reading comic books. I’m a passionate keeper of spiders, cacti, and exotic plants. I eat a vegan, plant-based diet for moral and environmental reasons (I mention this only because it is relevant to which flavoured teas I drink).

I drink mostly flavoured and low caffeine teas/tisanes, but I will try anything twice. As far as pure teas go, I gravitate towards whites, yellows, and jade oolongs. I’m always open for trades and sample sales/exchanges. Message me any time :)

My cupboard is mostly up to date. For a more comprehensive list, see my stash spreadsheet here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-HjWKR3um-xEnj6HC9vMvKXOAyj_bpW5u_2ixEC20-k/edit?usp=sharing
Most of these are only tiny samples/I can’t always spare any, but feel free to ask.

Favourite flavours/ingredients:
Rum/alcohol, clove, cardamom, rosemary, pine, sage, anise, moss/Earthy, lychee, floral, creamy, malt, hay, rice/grain, toasty, desserty, cocoa/chocolate, decaf or no caffeine, very unusual flavours

Favourite tea types
Decaf teas (any variety)/no caf tisanes like honeybush and rooibos, fruit blends without hibiscus, yellow, jade oolong, white, Darjeeling blacks, Longjing

Least favourite flavours/ingredients:
Acidic/sour/tart, melon, grapefruit, bitter, astringent, smokey, green apple, sickly sweet (too much chicory, cinnamon, or licorice root), yerba mate, turmeric, mushroom/fungus, vegetal and savoury

Animal products: [confectioners glaze, gelatine, milk-based natural flavours, white choc chips, caramel bits, etc]
St. John’s wort (herb)


BC, Canada

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