This sample came from Veronica and I’m definitely enjoying it this morning. It has a lovely aroma wafting up from the cup straight to my nose!
This is a fairly hefty tea that has a fair amount of malt. I’m also getting the dried fruit note others picked up on, it has a raisin element. And some cinnamon too. Interesting, unique flavor profile. It seems a bit peppery in the finish. When I first tried it I was reminded of red wine. This is not a wimpy tea like the yunnan fancy that I had earlier today. It packs a wallop! It’s good plain but I also liked it with soymilk.
I think the only other Vietnam tea I’ve had is from Tea Geschwender and I liked that too. Thanks again, Veronica. I would add this to my next SOT order.
Now off to go be productive, wish me luck :)
Thank you I will try it as well
I don’t think I’ve ever tried an unflavored black that was as spicy as this one—SOT impresses me.
me too. they have lots of good selections!