Last session with this tea, though there’s a bit left to go in the random blend cup. I see that it’s sold out so I can quit thinking about whether I’d want to buy it.
When I first tasted this I was completely unaccustomed to humid storage and found the humid note an unbearable distraction. Whether because this sample has aired out a lot in the last 9 months, or because I’ve drunk a bunch of teas more humid than this since, I’m finding that much less of an issue.
The leaf grade is nice, mostly large pretty leaf pieces. The dry leaf when warmed gives a slightly musty scent. The first few steeps have a predominantly honey sweetness and a full sense in the mouth. By the 6th cup the dark orange color of the soup is fading and the feel is thinner with some astringent drying effect starting to show. The humid storage taste never completely goes away for me, though by the 12th or so steep it’s getting pretty faint.
I didn’t love this as much as I was hoping I would based on Oolong Owl’s review, but I think it was pretty decent for the price… on the third hand, I’m maybe glad to not have to wonder about fitting it into the purchase queue someplace.