Following 216 Tea Drinkers

Autumn Hearth 146 followers

Druid, artist, poet, mum, lover of tea, ritual and myth. I grew up on Celest...

Insence&Tea 198 followers

I’m new to the high quality tea world and eager to get started tasting and en...

Butiki Teas 582 followers

My taste for tea started at an early age. As a child, I would frequently enj...

Hesper June 136 followers

A Farmer’s Wife who drinks her tea to forget the din of the world. Love all ...

Nicole 395 followers

tigress_al 294 followers

Hello, I am a nurse. I have numerous hobbies: reading, crocheting, crafting,...

Autistic Goblin 148 followers

Teas in my cupboard may not be physically in my cupboard anymore. I read eboo...

Sil 581 followers

So no real clue what to write about myself here. A friend got me into drinki...

fleurdelily 43 followers

WARNING: OPINIONATED I take my tea plain, no sugar, no milk. I don’t think I ...

SimplyJenW 385 followers

My motto: Drink the good tea! Tea enthusiast, trying to keep up my cardio for...



First, please forgive me for my English and all the grammatical mistakes you’ll find in my posts.
As English isn’t my mother tongue it sometimes makes things more difficult to express cleverly and accurately what I feel.

I was mainly in black flavoured teas, green as well if not bitter.
I’m now drinking much straight teas because my palate is now developed enough to appreciate them .

My favourite brands are : Taiwan tea Crafts, Teavivre, Mariage Frères,Theodor,Butiki Teas,Dammann Frères, Betjeman & Barton.
My ratings are as follow :

100 to 95 : my darlings; always in my cupboard (or very often ! )

94 to 90 : Excellent tea

89 to 80 : very good tea, a pleasure to drink it

79 to 70: not bad even quite nice, why not having it sometimes, but well,it’s not so urgent !

69 to 50 : Meh, deceptive or just not for me – but has some qualities

49 to 30 : I just don’t appreciate it

Under 30 : is this thing supposed to be tea ?!?!?

My tea blog (in French)


Paris, France



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