I am having this tea this morning and got Hubby to share too. He’s been trying to get off coffee and I told him he would probably really like ripe puerh. I told him all the health benefits and how it doesn’t leave you jittery like coffee. He liked it! Yay! Now I can get him to help sip down some of my tea. lol
I gave it two quick 10 sec rinses and then brewed his cup , then mine at 30 sec each. I like my tea lighter so I kept the same time. He was very impressed when I told him that both teas were brewed from the same leaves and there was plenty more cups left in those leaves. I am on the 5th infusion now. I find this tea earthy and a bit mushrooming in the first infusion. On the 5th infusion it’s mellowing out more, very smooth with cocoa notes. It goes down petty easy. I wonder if this one has a good qi? I guess I will find out.
Flavors: Cocoa, Earth, Mushrooms, Smooth