I thought I had ordered the LOVE rooibos as a sample from Teafrog and got this one instead. Pretty weird. It certainly smelled good in the bag. I think the name Kalahari threw me off for what I expected in a smell and flavour. It was almost like doing a blind test! I kept thinking there was something slightly familiar to Rishi’s Earl Grey Rooibos but not quite. Then I saw lemongrass in the ingredients and that explained that since bergamot and lemongrass are both citrusy. I like infused1’s comment about how this smells and tastes like Hall’s lemon cough drops. I agree. I think a little too much lemon flavour was added on top of the lemongrass. I always like Hall’s lemon cough drops though so I do sort of enjoy the tea. But would I buy it again? Probably not.
Flavors: Lemon Zest