So today I decided to finish this tea off. I was actually a little disappointed because it was the first time I was actually doing it exactly according to the brewing instructions. I added less leaf than I normally do and it was not as shockingly flavorful.
I think that this particular tea has run its course with me. Although it’s an interesting blend of fruity flavors and packs quite the tangy punch I don’t see it as a contender for other blends.
This tea would be great for my friends who do not normally drink tea. For me it was decently tasty, sweet and just enough stimulant to get me going.
edit I’m also going to add here my short review of my Teavana tea pot I’ve been using.
I got the Belle Amitie glass teapot for my birthday. :) It is very pretty! There really have only been two problems with this pot. The first is I didn’t quite realize how large it was. I now commonly use my 8 o.z. glass pot from Dragon Tea House in favor of this one. 32 o.z. is too large for just me. Especially when I re-steep my teas.
The second (and largest) issue is the strainer. Although it does look natural with the set it just doesn’t work well as a strainer. The water doesn’t move through it well and little floaties get EVERYWHERE. I’m not one that likes that. I end up using my old coffee filter trick to strain this after steeping.
Overall I would give this a 3 1/2 stars out of 5.