Since I can’t do scroll bars on the iPad, which is what I have when I travel so my parameters were 2 teaspoons in the big mug with boiling water and 3 minutes steep time. I also made a cup for my mother and she likes it a lot.

It smells really nice. I don’t remember drinking it the last time although I obviously did since I have a tasting note from a year ago but a year ago I would have just been starting out at steepster. I think my tastes have changed since then. So let’s see.

This definitely tastes like caramel. Enough so that it wish it were thicker so that I could chew on it. Not much aftertaste at all besides what I burp up because drinking from my mom’s oddly shaped mugs tends to involve a lot of slurping. A little drying after the fact. It still smells so nice. I’m not going to change the rating because without the tea of the month sample pack I would not have ordered this again and I stand by that statement. Still, a nice sweet little interlude to an otherwise not very good day.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

It took me a while to figure this out on my ipad (someone else on steepster made a comment about it), you can’t “slide” the slider bar but you can just tap the spot and the slider will move to it. It is hard to be exact with this method, but that is how you can do it.


Tried that. It worked before I upgraded to iOS 7 but not after. Stupid apple.


I still use that method with iOS 7, no problem. Make sure you are not trying to tap too close to where the marker is already located.


Alright it worked but it was very frustrating and took at least 20 taps to get it right. Bleh.

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It took me a while to figure this out on my ipad (someone else on steepster made a comment about it), you can’t “slide” the slider bar but you can just tap the spot and the slider will move to it. It is hard to be exact with this method, but that is how you can do it.


Tried that. It worked before I upgraded to iOS 7 but not after. Stupid apple.


I still use that method with iOS 7, no problem. Make sure you are not trying to tap too close to where the marker is already located.


Alright it worked but it was very frustrating and took at least 20 taps to get it right. Bleh.

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Single, vegetarian, asexual, 5 cats. Airplane Engineer. I drink most of my tea with a bit of sugar and all the ones with a black tea base with a little bit of milk too. I’m super sensitive to bitterness and spiciness so I tend to avoid those.


Renton, WA, USA

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