So I won’t be rating this because it will artificially bring down the overall rating because I really shouldn’t be drinking this in the first place. But I did because I’m a bit OCD like that and I’ve got a 52teas montly subscription for a year and I’m going to drink at least one cup of all of them dammit. But I really shouldn’t be rating this because I KNEW I wouldn’t like it. I don’t like a single ingredient in it.
It’s actually not as horrible as I thought it would be. The cinnamon is an unpleasant tingle and the cayenne I hate so much. But I actually think I don’t mind the green tea so much, it doesn’t have the weirdness of flavour that puts me off all of the ones I’ve tried so far. Maybe I’ve just been drinking low quality ones? Mostly in restaurants.
So hey Alphakitty, you want this?