This is an exceptionally late post because yours truly feels quite awful today. Not even the dread lord Cthulhu miniature I am painting can make me feel better, the trials and tribulations of Fibromyalgia! Some days you feel fine and some days, for no reason, your body decides that everything is going to hurt and none of your medicine helps, the only option is to curl up in bed until it goes away. Usually I can still write, but sometimes a flair up is joined by a migraine (like today) and that means no looking at a computer. Luckily after a nap my headache is gone so I can write, yay!
Today’s tea is Jasmine Pearls by The Persimmon Tree Tea Company, a tea that I frequently forget exists. No idea why, I have enjoyed every Jasmine Pearl I have had, but after I drink it they tend to leave my mind until I run into them again and say to myself ‘how do I always forget how much I love this tea!’ It is really quite a funny process. These pearls are made from Organic Jasmine Scented Green Tea, I prefer the process of scenting a tea with jasmine over just tossing the flowers in a blend, usually the effect is much more subtle and quite wonderful, it is very easy to get overwhelmed by jasmine’s intensity. The aroma of these pearls pretty intense, very heady jasmine with notes of fresh vegetation. It reminds me of standing next to a blooming jasmine late on a summer evening, the aroma of the flowers fill the air and the smell of growing things surround me.
Into my gaiwan they go! Part of me is tempted to make a jasmine scented yixing pot, that could be intense or a disaster…food for thought. The aroma of the slowly unfurling pearls is very sweet, a heady mix of jasmine and honeysuckle nectar with a strong sharp notes of freshly broken vegetation. The liquid is sweet and floral, like flower nectar mixed with a delicate green tea.
For the first steeping the taste is fairly mild and the mouthfeel is nicely smooth. It starts off with slight fresh vegetation and then a gentle fade to honeysuckle and jasmine, it has the taste of flower nectar and growing things, it is delicate but has a definite presence.
Second steeping time! The aroma is really coming alive, strong jasmine notes waft out of my tea cup pretty much filling the area with headiness. As expected this steep is stronger than the previous one, it starts off like a fresh green tea, more vegetation than vegetal, though there is a hint of artichoke. This fades to an explosion of heady jasmine sweetness and nectar, the taste is strong but still well balanced with the green.
The aroma of the third steep is mostly sweet jasmine nectar, I do not detect any lingering notes of green tea, it is all flowers. The taste is winding down, there is only the sweet flower nectar blend of honeysuckle and jasmine. If you are like me and prefer your jasmine tea on the sweet and mild side rather than super intense flower bouquet, then I recommend this tea, it is light and refreshing and maintains a good balance with the green tea.
For blog and photo:
Flavors: Artichoke, Green, Honeysuckle, Jasmine, Nectar, Stems
Feel better! I’m glad the migraine went away, at least.
Thank you! I hope to be back to normal soon