This is officially the best blend to drink as a winter pick-me-up. I need to buy loads more, it’s so delicious. I think it’s probably my new favourite chai (if it can be called a chai?).

Basically it’s a Lapsang Souchong base with cardamom, turmeric, chillies, peppermint, and blue pea flowers. The liquor ends up a putrid green colour from the turmeric and pea flowers mixing, so that visual combined with the thick spicy-smoke profile really does make it seem like a brew of dragon’s blood. So fun! I added maple syrup to balance everything out a bit and it turned out so well. I’ve been getting a good number of infusions too, it just keeps giving and giving.

Flavors: Autumn Leaf Pile, Cardamom, Pepper, Peppermint, Pine, Smoke, Spicy

205 °F / 96 °C 10 g 6 OZ / 180 ML

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World traveller, musician, tea lover.

Tea scoring criteria:

85 to 100 | Exceptional and unique. These teas are an unequivocal delight with every sip. The way they make me feel and the journey they take me on is incomparable.

70 to 84 | Delicious teas that are worth the price, albeit more common in quality and flavour. Still very good teas.

60 to 69 | Somewhat palatable teas that fail to deliver an experience at a level that would make me drink or buy more.

Under 60 | Just no…


Based in Toronto, Canada

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