drank Almond by Adagio Teas
330 tasting notes

My 100th tasting note! /blows horn and throws confetti

It’s a work day. Brought out the Bodum cup with infuser basket, and went with the sample of Almond black tea.

Brews up very dark. Smells nice, but there’s a bit of an alcohol taste to the tea, I’m guessing they use an almond extract for the flavoring, which generally contains alcohol. I don’t like that taste, unfortunately, so I can’t see ordering this tea in the future.

Which makes me think I should give the one last serving in the packet to my coworker who likes tea. Why am I drinking it if it is something I wouldn’t order? I always get stuck in this “gotta use it up” mentality. “Using” also can include gifting. Duh! :D

185 °F / 85 °C 4 min, 0 sec
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TeaEqualsBliss 13 years ago

Congrats on 100!!!!

Bonnie 13 years ago

Wow! You’ve come a long way baby as they say…and WE are THEY! HAPPY 100TH!

Hesper June 13 years ago


Skulleigh 13 years ago

Thank you, lovelies!

Ninavampi 13 years ago

Yay! Congrats on the 100th note! :)

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TeaEqualsBliss 13 years ago

Congrats on 100!!!!

Bonnie 13 years ago

Wow! You’ve come a long way baby as they say…and WE are THEY! HAPPY 100TH!

Hesper June 13 years ago


Skulleigh 13 years ago

Thank you, lovelies!

Ninavampi 13 years ago

Yay! Congrats on the 100th note! :)

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When I was a very young child, I swallowed an ice cube whole. It got stuck in my throat, and my mother had me drink hot tea to melt it away. That started a love affair with tea that has never abated.

I dabbled with Celestial Seasonings and other grocery store teabags for awhile, in my young and foolish days. But a few years ago, I received a tea of the month subscription from Adagio, and I found that there was a whole other world of tea out there that I had never experienced.

I love drinking tea, and I love the personal ceremony of making a glass or pot of tea for myself. It’s like a meditation.


DFW, Texas

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