Another interview leftover. I’ve had this one before at work – it seems to be the only tea provided on event days. I usually bring my own in a couple of Timolinos anyway, but it’s always good to have refill options! Not having any milk at the moment has restricted me work tea options a little, so I broke this one out this morning.
It’s a palatable flavoured black with no additions. I gave the bag about 2.5 minutes in boiling water, and the resulting liquor is a medium brown. It certainly smells fruity! It also tastes fruity, albeit in a slightly artificial, chemically way. I somehow doubt any real fruit was harmed in the making of this tea. I can taste mainly blueberry and blackberry; one sweet, the other adding a mildly sour tang at the end of the sip. As flavour combinations go, it’s a pretty good one, and it tastes kind of juicy in the way a fruit-flavoured tea really should. Something about it reminds me a lot of hot ribena, actually.
The black base is strong without being overwhelming, and it’s also pretty smooth. Both points in its favour. I have added milk to this one in the past, but this cup proves that it doesn’t really need it.
This one was never going to be my favourite tea, but it’s a pleasant mid-morning pick-me-up, and eminently drinkable. I’d not protest if I had to drink this one again (and no doubt I will, as long as I work here.)