Forest Fruits

Tea type
Black Fruit Blend
Not available
Berries, Artificial, Cardboard, Fruity, Berry, Floral, Perfume, Raspberry, Cheesecake, Dust, Strawberry, Red Fruits, Autumn Leaf Pile, Fruit Tree Flowers
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Tea Bag
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Aristarkhos
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 30 sec 2 g 7 oz / 194 ml

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14 Tasting Notes View all

From Lipton

Ingredients:Black tea (80.1%)
Forest fruit pieces (2%)

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14 Tasting Notes

2238 tasting notes

Another interview leftover. I’ve had this one before at work – it seems to be the only tea provided on event days. I usually bring my own in a couple of Timolinos anyway, but it’s always good to have refill options! Not having any milk at the moment has restricted me work tea options a little, so I broke this one out this morning.

It’s a palatable flavoured black with no additions. I gave the bag about 2.5 minutes in boiling water, and the resulting liquor is a medium brown. It certainly smells fruity! It also tastes fruity, albeit in a slightly artificial, chemically way. I somehow doubt any real fruit was harmed in the making of this tea. I can taste mainly blueberry and blackberry; one sweet, the other adding a mildly sour tang at the end of the sip. As flavour combinations go, it’s a pretty good one, and it tastes kind of juicy in the way a fruit-flavoured tea really should. Something about it reminds me a lot of hot ribena, actually.

The black base is strong without being overwhelming, and it’s also pretty smooth. Both points in its favour. I have added milk to this one in the past, but this cup proves that it doesn’t really need it.

This one was never going to be my favourite tea, but it’s a pleasant mid-morning pick-me-up, and eminently drinkable. I’d not protest if I had to drink this one again (and no doubt I will, as long as I work here.)

Boiling 2 min, 30 sec

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8 tasting notes

Its reall good tea :)
I suggest to everyone who loves Lipton !! :D

195 °F / 90 °C

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44 tasting notes

Really love this one!

Flavors: Berries

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412 tasting notes

Artificial fruit flavours, wet cardboard, slight sweetness. Typical bland Lipton flavoured tea.

Flavors: Artificial, Cardboard, Fruity

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 2 g 8 OZ / 250 ML

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2992 tasting notes

I have found a new contender for “worst berry tea”. It is sickening how artificial the berry flavour it. It is overpoweringly purfumed and almost seems soapy. If you have ever wondered it what hair shampoo flavoured tea tastes like, it is this.

I should have known better because it is Lipton.

Flavors: Artificial, Berry, Floral, Fruity, Perfume, Raspberry

Iced 4 min, 0 sec
Mastress Alita

I completely believe this. I’m currently using a box of Lipton Ceylon I was gifted as… well… hair shampoo! (Yes, I’m making a “black tea hair rinse” out of it because who could ever drink that stuff?!)

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2 tasting notes

I encountered this tea by pilfering it from a friends tea stash at work … and I believe this is how many people will come across this tea. It’s not aspirational, and I would not search high and low to find a tea bag.

On first examination of the tea bag the string was glued to the bag meaning I was not able to fully exploit the dipping capabilities boasted by the string and tab. Nonetheless, I plowed on with my expectations low.

The first sniff of the bag yields a pleasant fruity hit but this is not realised on completion of the brew. The tea is soft and round and very inoffensive but I wasn’t transported to a fruity English forest resplendent with a smorgasbord of summer fruits as I had hoped I might be by the packaging.

Despite this it was an agreeable drink and I would go back for another if I had run out of change for a coffee and had already reached my allotted caffeine allowance for the day and other options were slim.

Now I have finished the drink I am getting a slightly dry and astringent aftertaste in my mouth, but not enough to put me off this stalwart of roadside hotels across the land.

Flavors: Berry, Cheesecake, Dust, Strawberry

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 OZ / 75 ML

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1192 tasting notes

A little bitter but all in all, not bad. Definitely fruity. You can taste the different fruit flavours mingling together, the black tea flavour does not drown them out which is nice. Nothing spectacular but in a pinch, this would do just fine.

Flavors: Fruity

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313 tasting notes

I think I stole this tea from the craft services table at something I was filming. Or possibly the breakfast bar at a hotel? I don’t really remember. It’s been in a bag of random teas in the cupboard for a while, in any case. Today, I decided to give it a go, because what the hey.

And it’s a good ‘un! Surprisingly so. Really sweet, but there’s still just a little of presence of actual black tea somewhere under the forest fruits flavour, which for some reason tastes to me mostly like apple? But, like, a really nice, juicy apple flavour. Which is actually really lovely, albeit unexpected. If I didn’t have so many teas already, I might stock it. I’d certainly choose it if it were on offer at other film shoots!

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1 tasting notes

Well lets start off with I went to buy this tea and I thought ’ OHHH THE PACKET SMELLS NICE!! ’ so I thought lets give it a go. I was so excited to then be disappointed by its taste!! I followed the instructions on the back and I take one little sip… BAM!! ALL I TASTE IS LEAVES! I DONT GET THE WHOLE POINT OF IT BEING CALLEDFOREST FRUITSAND THE AMAZING BERRY TASTE’ WHEN IT DOESNT EVEN TASTE LIKE THAT. So just to make sure i had a mouthful and was still disappointed… I would rate this -9999999 if there were the option!

Flavors: Autumn Leaf Pile

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1 tasting notes

This is 1 of my favorite tea especially in the morning! The scent is magnificent and I must say that it taste really smooth u can almost taste all the fruits in it!

Flavors: Fruit Tree Flowers

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