Sheng Olympiad 2017
I’m happy to be able to participate in the Sheng Olympiad this year. Last year, as I started involving myself in the tea community via Steepster, I have also learned about LP and his group buys. Fortunately, I was able to participate in this one, so I’m quite excited to get start digging into these samples. :)
This is the first tea from the Sheng Olympiad to be had. I must say that I’ve been considering whether or not to purchase a Hi-Tech ball from YS eventually; however, I was happy to see that LP had included it in the Sheng Olympiad.
Notes: The tea started out quite sweet, with notes of apricot, honey, and stone fruits. After a few steeps in, I had noticed that the tea had subtle astringent floral notes in the back of the throat. The flavor lingered for a bit, but it was the kind of this is good feeling.
Side note: My three-year-old nephew wanted to try some tea, but I think he mainly wanted to play with the tea pets. When I told him to tell me what he thought about the tea, he took a sip, said, “Mmmm. Another cup please.” So, I think even children can give this tea a thumbs up, so to speak.
It’s great having a good cup of tea with others; especially one with a child who is completely new to tea, and yet can start out drinking the good stuff. My sister believes that tea is an obscure thing, and that there is no such thing as “relationships built on tea;” however, with the simple cup that her son had shared with me, had proven that people can and do bond together over tea. There is such a wonderful place in this community, and I’m utterly grateful to have had the opportunity to grow in such a wonderful community, with great people to share tea, stories, and experiences with. And maybe as my nephew grows up, he can start sharing tea with me more often, and realize that there’s no better way to bond than over a cup—or perhaps playing with tea pets as normal tea people do. :)
People can bond over ANYTHING. I knew people who enjoyed “mailboxing” together, which is the activity of driving around with a baseball bat and destroying people’s mailboxes. For fun, apparently. Bonding.
Tea is approximately one million times better than that, or nearly anything a five-year-old might get up to. Hopefully your bonding with him will give him positive experiences with an adult that will lead him to not grow up into the type of adult that, for example, mailboxes.
Super Starling,
I think having tea with my nephew can and is a good way for us to bond. He himself lives in an area where there’s a lot of violence, drug trafficking, etc. I think allowing him the opportunity to have a cup of tea, in an environment that is safe, would be best for him.As my sister believes there is no such thing as a community that surrounds itself on tea, I am here as proof to prove her wrong. And by that simple gift of tea, I’d like to give my nephew the essence of hope. At three, he may see it as an opportunity to play with tea pets, or to drink tea because his uncle drinks tea; whatever the reason may be, I’m attempting to take him away from the chaos that surrounds his neighborhood/community, and shed some light into his life. He and my sister come into our area quite often, for despite it not being rich, it’s safe for her and my nephew. And community through tea can be that little bridge that brings the light into his life. :)
I see it as not so much about the tea, per se, but about having a positive experience with a loving adult.
And tea pets. I’m willing to bet that the tea pets are totally a draw.
I’m still on the lookout for the perfect tea pet for myself, and I’m 32.
I think you are doing a fantastic thing. I am hoping my grandson will take to the same principles. Part it trying to spend more time with him than I got with my boys growing up. Long hours and usually 6 days a week back then.
I hope you’ll get that opportunity to bond and share with your grandson, mrmopar. I’m sure it’d be nice for you both to have the time together. :)
I think I might give him his own tea pet, Super Starling. Crimson Lotus has a tiny toad tea pet, and my nephew loves frogs/toads. However, I might hang onto it until he’s old enough to further season it himself. haha.
Your nephew is adorable.
Gotta get ’em hooked early, too ;)
Yeah, by age five, I’ll have him mastering the gaiwan. :P
Too cute!!
People can bond over ANYTHING. I knew people who enjoyed “mailboxing” together, which is the activity of driving around with a baseball bat and destroying people’s mailboxes. For fun, apparently. Bonding.
Tea is approximately one million times better than that, or nearly anything a five-year-old might get up to. Hopefully your bonding with him will give him positive experiences with an adult that will lead him to not grow up into the type of adult that, for example, mailboxes.
Ah, the pillars of society.
Super Starling,
I think having tea with my nephew can and is a good way for us to bond. He himself lives in an area where there’s a lot of violence, drug trafficking, etc. I think allowing him the opportunity to have a cup of tea, in an environment that is safe, would be best for him.As my sister believes there is no such thing as a community that surrounds itself on tea, I am here as proof to prove her wrong. And by that simple gift of tea, I’d like to give my nephew the essence of hope. At three, he may see it as an opportunity to play with tea pets, or to drink tea because his uncle drinks tea; whatever the reason may be, I’m attempting to take him away from the chaos that surrounds his neighborhood/community, and shed some light into his life. He and my sister come into our area quite often, for despite it not being rich, it’s safe for her and my nephew. And community through tea can be that little bridge that brings the light into his life. :)
I see it as not so much about the tea, per se, but about having a positive experience with a loving adult.
And tea pets. I’m willing to bet that the tea pets are totally a draw.
I’m still on the lookout for the perfect tea pet for myself, and I’m 32.
I think you are doing a fantastic thing. I am hoping my grandson will take to the same principles. Part it trying to spend more time with him than I got with my boys growing up. Long hours and usually 6 days a week back then.
I hope you’ll get that opportunity to bond and share with your grandson, mrmopar. I’m sure it’d be nice for you both to have the time together. :)
I think I might give him his own tea pet, Super Starling. Crimson Lotus has a tiny toad tea pet, and my nephew loves frogs/toads. However, I might hang onto it until he’s old enough to further season it himself. haha.
He already knows the factories and shapes of puerh. He is getting pretty good at gong fu.