Looking through the cupboard while at a loss for a tea I particularly wished to drink, I put my hand into a pie and pulled out a plum. Well, actually I pulled this tea at random out of my pu samples tin, but that is a less vivid image so let’s ignore it.

The dry leaf in the sample was loose and chunky with an earthy smell. The liquor was thick and black, almost like coffee and the mouthfeel was the same, being full-bodied, smooth and thick. Taste-wise, it is earthy with a slight iron tang, some plum notes and a hint of honey. It is a no-nonsense enjoyable tea that feels nicely cooling and has a relaxing, friendly cha qi. For the price I think it is really good value, and I shall probably add a couple of beengs to my next Yunnan Sourcing order.

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec

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I am a qualified peripatetic berserkerologist peddling berserkjaknowledge at the University of Nottingham.

My favourite teas are Darjeelings, sheng puerhs and Anji Bai Cha. I return to these every time, after whatever flirtation with other teas I have been involved with.

I no longer rate the teas I drink because keeping ratings consistent proved to be rather hard work while not really giving me anything in return.


Nottingham, England



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