Well whaddaya know? I’m actually drinking something besides Jasmine #9, Weight Loss, or Rosy Earl Grey and I’m writing a note! It’s gonna be a short one since I’m now T-minus 6 days to the GRE. My mind is swimming with Analogies, Antonyms, and other Quantitative crap (i.e. math stuffs) and I really needed some zen-like tea. I haven’t had this in awhile since the last time I steeped some, one of my brothers was visiting and he compared the smell to a certain type of liquid medicine. I needed some time to not associate it with that — it’s still hovering in the back of my mind, but I’m still enjoying it. ::sigh:: NE
180 °F / 82 °C
5 min, 0 sec
Good luck on the GRE!
Thank you! :)