There was an epic accident with Tim the Teapot yesterday and his lid got massively cracked. Remembering Ewa’s epic loss and revelation (through failed time machine) that teapots can still be used with patched-up lids, my lid is epoxied like crazy and waiting to set. But since it was a relative’s fault (who shall remain nameless), that relative offered to buy me a replacement pot. So new pot should arrive by next week :)
All that’s to say that my two options were to ice something and use my JOEmo today. So last night I decided to cold brew this tea to see how different it tasted since palate cleansing this week. It still just seems musty to me, but I did pick up some more vanilla, but just a hint (coconut was dilly-dallying around somewhere too). It was nice and refreshing. NE
Lol — thanks for that one Ewa :)
And Morgana — I think that I must be going through a cycle. But I think a big ton of why I’m less around is the sheer amount of stress that I’m under (which was compounded last night when the head of the Library Science program contacted me and said “apply for this job” which would make my work weeks 6 days-a-week for quite some time — but the possible end-result would be a full-time job at one library which is ideal). So I’m hoping that by August I’ll be back to my normal silly-self ::crosses fingers::
Yes, but…will he ever play the piano again?
Awww, Rabsy, so sorry about Tim. And good to see you around, I misses you when you posts less.
Lol — thanks for that one Ewa :)
And Morgana — I think that I must be going through a cycle. But I think a big ton of why I’m less around is the sheer amount of stress that I’m under (which was compounded last night when the head of the Library Science program contacted me and said “apply for this job” which would make my work weeks 6 days-a-week for quite some time — but the possible end-result would be a full-time job at one library which is ideal). So I’m hoping that by August I’ll be back to my normal silly-self ::crosses fingers::
Deep breaths, and lots of tea! Sounds like a great opportunity.
::sip, sip, sip::