drank Coconut Vanilla White by TeaFrog
371 tasting notes

The description of this tea mentions “pink rose petals.” Well, I gots me some pink rosebuds in my sample packet which made my inner girlie-girl squee. This is a very pretty looking tea. The smell is somewhat…wait for it…waaait for it…coconutty and vanilla-ey.

The first steep is all about the white tea and coconut. The vanilla is complimenting the coconut nicely. I should mention that I’m not the biggest coconut fan, but this is pleasant in a suntan lotion sorta way (sorry, that’s my main association with coconuts).

I’m really enjoying the second steep (kept the same parameters). I’m getting a bit more vanilla and the coconut/white tea is more mellow and blended. I’m really liking this. I am getting a bit of a dryness at the back of my throat, but am unsure as to how much of it is from this tea and how much it is from my ceiling fan kicking up dust. Maybe it’s a bit of both. I’m thinkin’ that I need to try this iced. NE

On a side note: I’m really liking my JOEmo XL that I got from TeaFrog. I’m still figuring out how best to prep my tea, but it’s getting better each time. It truly keeps the tea shockingly at or near temp. I had it at work yesterday and it kept the tea hot for close to 7 hours (I drank verrry slowly to test this out and I think it could’ve gone longer, but I finished my tea on my commute home). At first I wasn’t a big fan of how I had to push down on the button in the lid (germ issues), but then I realized that the liquid came out on the perimeter and not through the button spot. Still not my favorite thing, but I think that it’s a good tradeoff for being able to drink from any side of the lip. I may have another issue, but I want to give it some time before getting into that.

190 °F / 87 °C 2 min, 0 sec
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JacquelineM 15 years ago

So the tea leaves stay in the hot water the entire time with the JOEmo? I am looking at a travel brewer for Fall (I have an evening class and would love to be able to throw some hot water into a travel brewer before leaving work and take tea with me). My other option is to treat myself to a London Fog every tuesday ;) (Starbucks on campus)

Rabs 15 years ago

You have the option to either keep the leaves in the thermos (you put them beneath the infuser basket, use less leaf and less hot water), or put them in the infuser basket and pull it out when ready. So it’s up to you and whatever’s most convenient. I may be having an issue with it that I need to contact the company about to see if they could send a replacement part. Sorry to be so vague, but I want to show my dad to make sure I’m seeing what I think I’m seeing before I mention it on Steepster.

JacquelineM 15 years ago

Understandable! I’ll look for your further comments :)

Rabs 15 years ago

Okay — so I confirmed with my dad that the strainer is fine. After the first use it got really discolored and just a bit of the mesh (like one strand) had popped out and it looked very rusty. I kept thinking “but it’s stainless steel” but it really looked like rust. My dad confirmed that it’s just discolored, so it’s all good :D

TeaFrog 15 years ago

Glad to hear that it is not rust! (as it should not be ;)) – however – any discoloration should wash right off or even with a light vinegar/water soak – but if you are still having problems please let me know and I will get you a replacement ASAP!

Rabs 15 years ago

Thank you so very much! I felt so silly, but I thought that if my dad wasn’t sure then I’d research the mesh to see if it wasn’t stainless. It was such a shocking change of color near that mesh “thread” so that’s what gave me pause. The discoloration really isn’t washing off, but it doesn’t bother me as long as it doesn’t affect the taste :) I’ll let you know if there are any real issues. I’m really loving it! Thanks again! :D

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JacquelineM 15 years ago

So the tea leaves stay in the hot water the entire time with the JOEmo? I am looking at a travel brewer for Fall (I have an evening class and would love to be able to throw some hot water into a travel brewer before leaving work and take tea with me). My other option is to treat myself to a London Fog every tuesday ;) (Starbucks on campus)

Rabs 15 years ago

You have the option to either keep the leaves in the thermos (you put them beneath the infuser basket, use less leaf and less hot water), or put them in the infuser basket and pull it out when ready. So it’s up to you and whatever’s most convenient. I may be having an issue with it that I need to contact the company about to see if they could send a replacement part. Sorry to be so vague, but I want to show my dad to make sure I’m seeing what I think I’m seeing before I mention it on Steepster.

JacquelineM 15 years ago

Understandable! I’ll look for your further comments :)

Rabs 15 years ago

Okay — so I confirmed with my dad that the strainer is fine. After the first use it got really discolored and just a bit of the mesh (like one strand) had popped out and it looked very rusty. I kept thinking “but it’s stainless steel” but it really looked like rust. My dad confirmed that it’s just discolored, so it’s all good :D

TeaFrog 15 years ago

Glad to hear that it is not rust! (as it should not be ;)) – however – any discoloration should wash right off or even with a light vinegar/water soak – but if you are still having problems please let me know and I will get you a replacement ASAP!

Rabs 15 years ago

Thank you so very much! I felt so silly, but I thought that if my dad wasn’t sure then I’d research the mesh to see if it wasn’t stainless. It was such a shocking change of color near that mesh “thread” so that’s what gave me pause. The discoloration really isn’t washing off, but it doesn’t bother me as long as it doesn’t affect the taste :) I’ll let you know if there are any real issues. I’m really loving it! Thanks again! :D

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Proud all-around nerd, designer, fibromyalgia manager, and Assistant Library Director/Creative Director.

After being a barista for almost a decade it wasn’t until 2010 that I discovered loose leaf tea. Now I’m hooked.

I’m quite loose when it comes to tea prep. I also ended up using Steepster to find my “daily” teas which I mostly have accomplished.

There’s really nothing remarkable or noteworthy of how I rate teas. I do take it a tiny further step to help clarify the muddled middle grounds for myself. TG is a definite repurchase. Anything below that is less and less likely.

NE=Nice Enough


Midwest, USA

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