Oh floral joy! I have found my “Ultimate Cup of Fou-Fou!” It’s like I went through a beautiful garden, picked a bouquet of fragrant flowers, and then made a tea out of it. Oh, I must have this on hand forever and ever!
The dry leaves had me worried. It really smelled potpouri-ish. I actually wrinkled my nose and had to hope that steeping would mellow things out a lot (and it did – maybe not a lot, but it did enough).
The aroma smelled wonderful: a heady mix of earl grey, rose, and something else I couldn’t put my finger on – but I knew it was floral. Um, yeah, turns out it was jasmine ::blushes::
The first four sips were actually horrifying. The first sip I recoiled slightly – it was like a little salty/citrus bomb went off in my mouth. Second sip the icky lemon/lime taste/sensation started near the back of the roof of my mouth and traveled in a straight line partway down my throat. It did that for two more sips. It really was a bad sensation that that I’ve never experienced before. I set the cup aside and hoped that cooling it a bit would help. I waited maybe a minute and tried again. The “citrus yuck” was gone and all the yummy sweet florals came out ::Hallelujah Chorus starts to play:: TG
I am getting a slight dryness to the back of my throat which started near the end of the first steep, but I love this tea’s taste so much that I don’t care. I’ll live with it. The only thing I adjusted on steep #2 was that I added a minute. No weird citrus sensations with this cup. I’m dying to try this iced!
And you see that Preperation Detail right below here? The one that says 205 degrees? Well, for the first time I can attest to the truth of that statement: my Pino Pro electric kettle came last evening and from now on I’ll be within a few degrees of accurate temperatures! ::does happy dance::
Yay! I’ve been wanting an electric kettle, but have settled for my microwave since I’m moving soon and might not be allowed to have a kettle in my room. :)
Yay! I’ve been wanting an electric kettle, but have settled for my microwave since I’m moving soon and might not be allowed to have a kettle in my room. :)
woooo! electric kettles rock
I love this tea! It has this yummy “candied petals” taste.
Oooh – “candied petals” is spot on :)