Between an amazing Star Wars event at my library and the US premiere of the new Dr. Who tonight I feel wiped out. (I gots me a photo of a Stormtrooper and me holding a cookie! Yes, I’m that sort of nerd). All this is to say that I’m struggling writing this note. It’s a fine oolong. It seemed very very woodsy (like moss, dirt, greenery – all that jazz) in both scent and taste. I looked at the little sample packet to read what on earth I was supposed to be tasting. Maybe “musky cedar?” My wacky taste buds really couldn’t pick up anything else. My mouth did a quasi-half-hearted dance of sweetness. I had to stop at the 4th steep, but it still seemed to be going strong. I keep waffling (mmm…waffles) between thinking that I’d order more of this or not. And since I’m uncertain, then I probably won’t. NE.
190 °F / 87 °C
3 min, 0 sec