Yesterday I took a break from trying new teas – I just needed a day of things that I’m guaranteed to like. So this morning I was back to being adventurous and felt full of vim ‘n vigor regarding new teas. I did Ewa’s patented “GM Indecision Buster Grab Basket-o-Fun” for the first time and came up with this. I have nothing against neither mint nor vanilla, but then I saw “gunpowder” and what’s left of my soul grew cold. I had a very bad experience with GM’s Gunpowder (which I’m pretty sure was user error) and I really didn’t want to start my day off with a cup of nasty. But, I had to go with my own made-up rules involving the “GMIBGBoF” and so I steeped this puppy.
The packet itself smelled like an anemic after dinner mint. I was not encouraged. And then it happened. In my not-a-morning-person state of cavewomanness I didn’t notice that I had left my kettle set for tisanes until after it started to go. And I couldn’t bring myself to stop it and start over. So I went with it. I actually think that it worked out well for me!
This tea was an utterly pleasant surprise. I think its description pretty much nails it. I wasn’t so sure with my first few sips, but as the tea cooled I felt myself getting that “nomish” feeling. So with my first few sips I don’t think that I would’ve bought this, but with the cooler tea I couldn’t help but think what an amazing iced tea this could be. So it’s now on the short list of future GM purchases.
Oh, and I was shocked at how many fannings were at the bottom of my cup. At first I thought “Holy Crap! How did three tea leafs get through my ultra-fine infuser?!?!” And then I realized that those “leafs” were actually fannings in a tea mosh pit. Second steeping there were quite a few as well. I’m just not a fanning fan, and so I tossed the very last tiny bit of tea in my cup. NE
lol! @ “anemic after dinner mint” :)