Today I’m beginning my long milk oolong train.. in hopes of finding the very best milk oolong. I heard good things about this tea and thought it would be nice as #1. The leaves smell like vegetables with a hint of milk. I’m almost getting a rubbery element (it’s interesting how I’m always getting a rubbery note in some of my teas) that I dislike. Steeping, the scent transforms from rubbery, milky vegetables to that true TEA smell with butter. I’m always amazed at how a tea can smell like a buttery, rich thing.
Steep #1: Sipping, I’m getting a different flavor than expected. I suppose I was expecting something far richer or creamier, but it’s nice. Definitely a milky flavor, but you kind of have to look for it in the sip. There is a nice, smooth transition into the more floral notes of the tea. Not as sweet as I thought it would be.. it’s more savory and buttery. Still very yummy.
Steep #2: A darker yellow this time. The leaves really opened up! I’m sniffing elements of buttered popcorn.. savory things, again. This is pretty good.. not terribly smooth, but not bad either. The floral taste is more present, but it still retains its buttery taste. Not as much like sweet cream as I would have liked.
In my 2-steep experience, I would say that I like this tea. It’s definitely buttery and somewhat milky, but lacks a real sweetness. This isn’t a bad choice for a milk oolong if you’re looking for less sweet cream and more salty butter.