Completely captivated by the deep richness of this black tea. There is a deep dampness found in the dry leaves. The complexity of smokiness is what invites the participant to search deeper for the full discovery of these cultured leaves.
Tea Forte has it right describing it as,“large leaves delicately smoked over smoldering embers of local pines.” The quality of the pines brings depth, because you can smell traces of unmistakeable resin. This is so reminiscent of my earlier childhood in the deep south. Great ambience of centry old pine forest and dark damp swamps working harmoniously to refresh the weary soul and tranquility to the burdened mind.
The liquor is medium amber and there is only a small amount of dry bitterness. There is plenty of flavor and no lack of caffeine. This is a very nice tea that is certainly not for the faint of heart!