I think you’re supposed to use small cups – like 250 ml per scoop of matcha? I’ve started dumping more scoops into mine when I pour big cups of milk. I find it sorta subtle too…
The pumpkin and the belgian chocolate I can taste fine, but the irish cream and the cheesecake? Not so much.
Is that 250 ml of miilk, or a cup as in 10 oz?
I think my matcha scoop is probably 1 tsp? I should measure it sometime, but I use 1.5 scoops so that’s probably close to you.
What is the flavouring at? How much are you putting in per cup?
I think you’re supposed to use small cups – like 250 ml per scoop of matcha? I’ve started dumping more scoops into mine when I pour big cups of milk. I find it sorta subtle too…
The pumpkin and the belgian chocolate I can taste fine, but the irish cream and the cheesecake? Not so much.
OK, that’s good to know, thx. I am already using double scoops >_>
I use 1.5-2 tsp per cup of milk…and that goes up depending on the flavouring
Is that 250 ml of miilk, or a cup as in 10 oz?
I think my matcha scoop is probably 1 tsp? I should measure it sometime, but I use 1.5 scoops so that’s probably close to you.
Ohhhhh I might be underscooping, then! :-O Thanks guys!
a cup as in 250ml heh i don’t use no stinking imperial system in my house! :)