This tea truly is pretty incredible. The second I opened the bag, I could tell exactly what the flavor was meant to be… blueberry candy. I’m not used to drinking green tea, so the tan-peach brewed color made me nervous, but there was no need to be… this tea was delicious! The level of sweet flavor was a bit low for a cotton candy dupe, but a pinch of stevia picked it right up and brought out the candy floss notes in the flavor. The blueberry doesn’t exactly taste like a real blueberry – it tastes more like eating a really good (but artificial) blueberry gummy bear – the perfect blueberry taste for cotton candy!
You can still taste the green tea base beneath the flavors, but it doesn’t overpower or clash with the cotton candy flavors at all. And I love the way 52teas blends seem thicker than regular water or tea – just slightly, but enough to add some character to the mouthfeel.