Sad that this is already gone! I did get about 80 oz of tea out of a sample that they said would only make 16 oz. The trick, to me, of making this tea taste good was re-steeping. I used two Perfect Tea spoons worth of mix for the first steep (using an IngenuiTea). Then, I simply added 1-2 Perfect Tea spoons worth of new mix to the old, then re-steeped for the same time and temperature. The tea tasted better with every brew – possibly the fact that the tea was coming closer to the correct balance of spices to sugar – the last steep had my IngenuiTea over 1/4 full of spices and tea leaves, and only a few pieces of sugar were in that steep. Speaking of which, rock sugar is the first ingredient in the tea, and there is also candied fruit – those watching their sugar intake should be aware.
I think I’d order this tea again if I could get a rock sugar optional blend of it – the sugar seems unnecessary, and its hard to justify Teavana’s high price tag per 2oz just to be given a tiny bit of tea and a big container of rock candy – especially for those of us with blood sugar issues.