Iced tea!
Wow, this one turned out really yummy the way I made it! For whatever reason, this tea brews bitter no matter what I do to try to counteract it (lower temp water, less steeping time), so I did have to add just over a tablespoon of simple syrup (which is still not that much considering it’s already a 1:1 water and sugar ratio). However, with the addition of the sweetener, and after I added a handful of frozen mangoes and let it sit in the fridge over night, the iced tea tasted really nice! The whole flavour profile was very tropical, and the mango infusion definitely came out in the tea, which I wasn’t really expecting to be honest. I think mangoes were the perfect choice for this tea because it already leans towards a fruity/tropical feel with the inclusion of apricot in the blend itself, so the mangoes really complemented the style and brought out a lot of the fruity flavours that I was missing in hot brews. Perfect timing for this, as it turned out to be a hot day, too!