I really wanted to like this tea. I drank it a few times before at work before this review, but never took any notes. I was down to one of my last cups of this tea, so I wanted to jot down some opinions for future reference. They were overall not very positive.
The aroma of this tea was pretty sweet (almost sickly) vanilla, but I didn’t mind it too much. What I did mind was this sweetness was very strong in the tea as well, almost completely overpowering the black tea base and bergamont flavouring, which is supposed to be the hallmark of earl grey teas.
I also found these tea leave to be unusually sensitive. I more a little more than a single teaspoon of leaf into the strainer (and even ended up scooping a little bit back out because I didn’t want to over-leaf it) and it still brewed dark in just over a minute. I took it out as soon as it did (couldn’t have been more than 2 minutes), and the tea ended up predominantly bitter with a weird vanilla background flavour. Idk, maybe I was making it wrong, but the tea did not convince be in the least to waste any more of my energy to help it taste alright.