Steeped this all night, downed it this morning, trying to fight off a tickle in my throat.
This is THE tea from WP that I’d order in ridiculous amounts, and it was never enough. I could drink it every day, it’s spicy and rough and tumble, blunt, this-is-how-it-is tea. In your face tea. I AM IN CHARGE TEA! I own you, tea. Yes, I love this stuff, because it’s so akin to my personality (which is to say, a bit abrasive with a lot of spice and passion).
This version of the tea (which I ordered prior to my six month exploration of Europe, but it only got here after I left) is VERY different to the versions I’ve had in the past. This version, and I don’t know what’s changed, is dark, dark purple, almost black. It tastes strongly of molasses and little else. I still drink it, I still feel amazeballs, but it’s less — me — than it was in the past.
Flavors: Molasses, Spicy