Loving the herbal options here in France, which have surprised me at every turn, in every health food store (what’s called “Bio” here, or organic). I had no idea what any of the ingredients were in English, but the fact that it’s also called “Minceur” (thinner) made me think of Stephen King, and had to get it.
Odd flavor combination here that’s hard to describe. I smell a hay-like Thai curry in the leaves, with the flavor more medicinal than anything. It’s not bad or anything, it’s just… very medicinal.
Having a bit of translation issues with one item on this ingredient list (tilleul is lime, aubier is normally wood or trees, depending… but together they translate to linden leaves/sapwood, whereas I think they mean lime leaves. Anyone willing to help welcome.. I’ve asked a French friend for help with this).
Flavors: Creamy, Medicinal
Usually when I see “tilleul” in tea, it’s a linden leaf tea.
Thank you!
Ahh, the flavour makes more sense with linden leaf rather than lime leaf. :)