I know, I am drinking old teas. But I think they should not go so bad.
This is one bad one probably. When brewed (on upper limit) it brings nice grass seed aroma and tropic fruits as papaya and mango. Maybe little of kiwi or yellow melon was there too.
When sipped, it was actually pretty similar, with little earthy flavours. I thought I maybe overbrewed it or just used too hot water, which is kind of true. I wasn’t using 80°C for sure. And then it comes – room temperature and… yuck, it became so dirty, earthy and paper. It was really hard to finish it at all!
Quite high rating, because at first it seemed like a decent fruity green tea. Otherwise, I had to go much lower.
Flavors: Dirt, Earth, Grass Seed, Mango, Paper, Tropical