Advent calendar 21
Calming Tummy Tea – Herbal tea blend
“Tonight is the longest night of the year. Winter solstice is when Raunächte (twelve days of Christmas, Austrian German word) start. This is a very specialy mystical time for me. It is time to let go of old things and make room for new ones.
Yep, it is 4.15pm while I am writing this note and it is dark outside already. Oh well. But on positive side, it will be just better and better.
On the tea – somehow happy and sad that I have two teas left of this Advent calendar. No more herbals (why so many of them to be honest?).
I do not mind herbal tea, but why tummy soothing one before Christmas? I would enjoy it rather day after Christmas :D. Anyway, it was nice blend, very “green”, nothing really distinctive, but bit drying in mouth. It wasn’t one of the distinctive teas, but mayybe this was one of the nicest of Advent. It was just right, nothing too strong.
Flavors: Dry Grass, Herbs
Oh joy! Thank you for the reminder, Martin, that from here on the days get longer! I need it on more than just the physical level!
Yeah, I’m already sick of it getting dark before 5:00 but like you say, it gets lighter from here
Oh joy! Thank you for the reminder, Martin, that from here on the days get longer! I need it on more than just the physical level!
Even today is longer here! By 10 seconds! A meterologist said it in TV news yesterday!
Happy inflection point, y’all.