Finally! The storms and rain comes, so finally, temperatures drop. It is about 25°C, cloudy, finally breatable air :D.
Anyway, I have decided for this tea (now gone, well only 2 kg batch was made, so I unexpect seeing other tasting notes)
As I have just 20 g of it, I decided to make it different way than today. Only 3 grams for my 85 gaiwan. Boiling water used (duh, maybe lower temperature would be better).
I make about 10 seconds (shorter) rinse, burnt my fingers a bit, preheated gaiwan preheated cup.
It gets really vegetal notes with little smell of floral notes. But it is not DF floral, like explosion of flowers, rather hidden in vegetals.
Pours light green, rather white. Clear naturally. In taste it is full bodied, with nice mouthfeel and bit vegetal too. It reminds me bit of dancong oolong (I did not have much oolongs in my life yet). Those notes were for first steep, about 10 seconds long (only!).
For second steep I doubled the steep time. Pours more distinctive colour, but still very light.
There is some sweetness. Hidden in vegetal taste. Weird, unique, but tasty. Long mouthfeel.
Added another 10 seconds for third steep. (I will do it all the time this session)
Floral notes are way more present. It is present in aroma way more too. Refreshing sweetness.
40 seconds.
It is nicely fragant for sure. Light tea. Refreshing. Floral. Just very nice, you know!
50 seconds
I think it is slowly gone. Lost bit of flavour.
60 seconds
it means 6th steep. Last one. Have to do things, then going for summerjob. Definitely gone. It is not so floral as it was earlier.
Definitely good tea to try, maybe I will age it a bit and we will see how it develops.
Flavors: Floral, Hay, Sweet, Vegetal
We celebrated rain last night, too! Unfortunately, it did not cool down. Today’s high will be 38C.