drank Just Peachy by DAVIDsTEA
70 tasting notes

Decided to try a cold steep of this one using the same amount of tea (0.75 tsp) for a more direct comparison to the hot version I made yesterday. Steeped it for one hour in 12 oz cold water in the fridge.

The colour is about 3/4 as dark I’d say of yesterday’s drink and while the scent of fuzzy peaches candy is still there, the flavour is still more of an peach/apple mix.

I do think that cold brew is my preferred taste of the two, however, because it does preserve more of the peach flavour than the hot brew had after it cooled down and the cold brew drink tastes less acidic and more sweet.

Several reviews of this tea I’ve read talk about steeping this cold overnight, which does sound like a great idea for future attempts. An hour was all I was prepared to wait today, however.

Upping the rating to reflect this slightly better flavour profile I’ve found: 65 to 67.

Updated cup count (12 oz) from the 27g pitcher pack: 2 (Lots more to play with in the future!)

Flavors: Apple, Peach

Iced 8 min or more 12 OZ / 354 ML

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Just getting into the whole loose leaf tea experience. (Thank you favorite sister of mine for getting me started on this journey…)

Since I’m a beginner when it comes to most teas, I don’t have a very good understanding of the flavors yet, but I hope I will get there. Right now I’m basically at “tastes good” “tastes less good” “tastes awful” lol….

Anyway, have been an avid tea drinker prior to now as well, but mostly only have experience with typical grocery store teabag selections. My old standby’s being Tetley’s Orange Pekoe and Celestial Seasoning’s Sleepytime.

My dislikes are: Ginger, licorice, overwhelmingly strong mint flavors, overwhelmingly strong anything flavors really.

At the moment I have 31 loose leaf tea varieties to try. (All single servings or sampler packs cause I’m too scared to get anything larger!) Though, I anticipate I’ll be getting plenty more because this experiment is too fun!

Please note:

I’m very picky when it comes to tastes so I’ll likely run into many flavors that I don’t personally like. I also tend to find most teas too strong and thus will likely use less tea than suggested while I experiment with the loose leaf teas.

Also, I’m more-so writing my reviews for myself like a diary, so I can keep track of how to best prepare the flavors to my liking and which flavors I might want to buy again.

Please keep this in mind if you’re reading my reviews. Thanks!

As for recommendations:
Recommended – I can drink it without issue.
Not recommended – I probably made a face while drinking it or gave up part way through.



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