902 Tasting Notes
Second steep: after the first cup, I just pulled out the infuser and set to the side. Brewed the leaves for 5 minutes with cooler water (not sure on temp). Should I have steeped longer/hotter? Either way, this cup was still pretty good. Still murky and nutty, but a little less chocolatey. Added salt again, and it was either too much or the tea hadn’t steeped for long enough.
Thanks to Meghann M, I get to try this delicious-sounding tea!
It smells delicious, too: nutty and sweet. I can smell the cashews as well as the white chocolate. It actually smells like a white chocolate turtle (which is my favorite I’ve-had-a-bad-day-and-need-comfort treat). Like others have said, it brews up rather murky. I assume it’s the dissolved oils from the cashews and white chocolate bits.
It tastes like a white chocolate turtle. Really, it does. Added a smidge of salt (well, more like half a smidge, since adding anything to tea is scary for me) to see if that enhanced the cashew flavor. It did bring out the cashew taste more, and turned the cup into something I could crave.
I’m going to have to ration this sample since it’s not in stock right now (maybe it’ll be back soon?), because I can see this totally becoming one of my go-to teas. I’m also going to do something that I’ve never done before: steep the leaves a second time. Are there any tips for what to do to the leaves between steeps?
Thanks to Meghann M I had a fantastic mail day! Samples of different 52teas!! This definitely makes a Monday brighter. After sniffing each bag, I finally decided on trying this one.
Oh, sweet baby jeebus, is this good. Pineapple, coconut, rum, sweet, tasty. Just like a pina colada should be. I had it hot tonight (brewed for 10 minutes), but will definitely be trying it iced!
I’ve only one complaint about this tea: it’s non-alcoholic, and I’ve no rum to put in it.
The bag smells like a cross between wildflowers and sugar cookies. Sounds strange, but it works quite well. When brewed, smell is more like sweet caramel. It’s a very light dessert tea, naturally sweet. The vanilla and caramel are about equal in their intensity. This is my first tea from Good Earth; I’ll definitely be trying more.
Brewed for 10 minutes.
Mental note: Don’t take sip immediately after eating apple cinnamon graham crackers. It’s not at all pleasant.
Lively and tart; you can definitely taste the lime. Republic of Tea has done a great job with this line. After the tangerine, this one’s my favorite. I brew for 10 minutes.