I’m lacking the energy for a detailed post tonight.
Short version: This tea is smooth, clean, and the flavor is fine. It isn’t bitter or harsh at all. It’s good, certainly priced nicely. It would be a great Wuyi oolong for beginners who are new to Wuyi teas and would like a cheap one to test brewing methods with. It also doesn’t really taste or smell like cinnamon to me. The scent reminds me more of char and cigar tobacco, while the flavor is not far from a cigar either, and neither taste nor smell come off terribly complex to me.
Like a cigar, but healthy. How bout that?
Of Wuyi oolongs I have had, this one gives one of the least pronounced impressions. It’s a typical representation of Wuyi oolongs, great perhaps to someone new to the world of fine loose teas, especially because it is affordable, but to compare this to the finer Wuyi teas I’ve had would be unfair from both ends.
But then, when you sit and analyze a tea, and compare it to others, instead of just enjoying what you have in front of you, well, some would argue that’s missing the purpose of tea, and I’d tend to agree with them.
Though reviewing has its merits, especially for the forgetful, who are otherwise blessed to get the best of their blunders.
Flavors: Char, Tobacco