drank Cherry Cosmo by Tea Forte
95 tasting notes

As a child I used to cough into my pillow at night when I had a cold so that my dad wouldn’t hear and insist I take some of the probably long-expired prescription cold meds we had sitting in the medicine cabinet so I’m a bit leery of anything cherry. I do not take cough drops (unless they’re the Ludens ones that are basically just hard candy), I do not drink cough syrup unless I am feel-like-I’m-about-to-die desperate.

So I was super stoked to get this as part of Tea Forte’s generous sample offer. /sarcasm (re the flavor, not the generosity)

But one night last week, it spoke to me and I figured ‘what the hell’ and tried it.

Not bad.
It did smell like cough medicine so that freaked me out at first. But I didn’t hate it. Didn’t love it either, but it hit the spot that night although I had no problem not trying for a second steep like I normally would.

Uniquity 14 years ago

I’ve been on a streak lately of mediocre teas. It seems that it’s been ages since I enjoyed something enough to do a second steep, so I can understand how you felt. Bummer!

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Uniquity 14 years ago

I’ve been on a streak lately of mediocre teas. It seems that it’s been ages since I enjoyed something enough to do a second steep, so I can understand how you felt. Bummer!

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I’m Amanda, and I’m new to the world of tea. I got sucked in by a sample at Teavana and have been exploring ever since. I prefer loose tea but will slum it with the occasional, high quality bag.

I live just outside Chicago with my husband and our dog.

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