So for the last three days I keep forgetting to bring tea to work. So now I am stuck with work tea today. That is the tea in the drawer of the staff room at work, that people just bring in because they don’t want it. Most of it was herbal blends, this was one of the few that had actual tea in it so that is what I grabbed. We also have some keurig tea at work. But the keurig has never been cleaned, and is mostly used for coffee, I don’t think I can stomach tea laced with coffee, this morning anyway.
This was is ok. It is quite light, bland would be a good word. There are light hints of spearmint, a bit of lemon verbena type flavour. The green tea is very light but also slightly atringent in the aftertaste.
I wasn’t expecting much from this one due to the fact it is an old bagged tea from the work cupboard, but also. Being a blend called Zen, I don’t think it is supposed to pack any type of punch.
It will do for now.
I have all this delicious tea at home just waiting for me….. :(
My brother just loves his Tazo teas. I don’t get it. None of them has ever really been good for me. Other people’s mileage may vary.