Followed by 140 Tea Drinkers

Blake Driver 9 followers

Tea- It’s a state of mind

Hoa Hong Đen 1 followers


William Isabella 5 followers


Jlvintagelove 38 followers

Janee here, Tea lover…actually quite more on the obsessed side. Nurse. Vinta...

Hiwin Việt Nam 0 followers


Ali Abdel 0 followers

Tour Guide



My name is Kyle. I love good tea, a good book, the great outdoors, and I am passionate about music. I also find enjoyment in writing and mountain biking here in beautiful Central Oregon.

Tea is a hugely misunderstood and under-appreciated gift in the western world, and my hope is to spread the gift of quality tea. It is communion between the passion of man and the raw beauty of nature. It is art, and it is therapy. I hope you enjoy my writings.


Bend, Oregon

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