Revisiting the 2006 nan jian Phoenix ripe puerh mini brick.
It’s been a few years since I’ve first reviewed it. So wats revisit this tea.
Gongfucha, gaiwan.
Dry leaf: sweet, musty.
Wet leaf: musty, sweet, camphor, spicy, fermentation(?)
1x medium rinse.
Light steep; I smell/taste:
(Smell) slight autumn leaves.
(Taste) slight —> salty, camphor(?). light —> clay, autumn leaf, sweet
Medium steep; I smell/taste:
(Smell) light —> camphor, autumn leaf, sweet.
(Taste) slight salty. Medium —> autumn leaf, camphor, sweet.
Heavy steep; I smell/taste:
(Smell) light —> musty, autumn leaf, sweet
(Taste) medium salty. Medium to strong camphor, autumn leaf, sweet.
All in all. Still a delicious tea.
As for salty taste I think it is just the camphor. Or could be just me or the way I store it. So I don’t blame the tea. Still I’d give it a go. (Rating stays the same)
Where to buy:
Flavors: Autumn Leaf Pile, Camphor, Clay, Musty, Salty, Spicy, Sweet