Ru Yao dragon teapot gongfucha
Dry leaves: very floral and sweet smelling
Wet leaves: floral, sweet and fruity (peach)
Light steep: I taste/smell; strong minerals. Medium metallic. Light peach orchid, floral, sweetness, honey, fruity (peach)
Medium steep: I taste/smell; medium minerals, peach orchid, sweetness, fruity (peach) (berries). Strong honey, spices, floral and metallic. Light bitterness.
Strong steep: I taste/smell. Strong but somewhat pleasant bitterness., honey, metallic, honey and spices.
All in all an amazing tea! Could use a few weeks aging though :)
bonus photo:
Flavors: Berry, Bitter, Floral, Fruity, Honey, Metallic, Mineral, Orchid, Peach, Spicy, Sweet