270 Tasting Notes
I still have lots of this. This was my very first tea purchase and I had no idea how much tea was worth getting at a time. Needless to say, shortly after this purchase, I learned quickly. The boyfriend iced this for me and I am happily sipping on it. I enjoy the fruitiness of this. It also has a little caffeine which is perfect for me right after classes as I need a little motivation to be productive rather than watch Netflix.
This wasn’t as tasty as it usually is today. I can’t figure out why :/
I totally get it. Because then you’re like “is it the tea? is it me? did I brew it wrong? is it the cup/mug/travel mug/vessel? aaahhh!”
It’s so frustrating when you have a cup like that. I’ve got one going right now. First steep excellent, second steep, normally also excellent is just wrong. I don’t know what I did.
I sadly forgot about this one as I am running around cleaning the apartment, doing laundry, and making a grocery list. It is room temperature right now. It is fruity and light. Maybe I do like white tea, apparently I cannot decide! I can’t see going through this super quickly but I feel as summer approaches it will become something I reach for. Maybe iced! I need to find some glass jugs.
It worked! I successfully made this a tasty iced tea. The taste seems more toned down then when it’s hot. But on the other side of that it’s like the flavor travels all over my mouth in a way that the hot preparation does not. Strange. As long as it’s yummy, I’m okay.
My first chai, thank you MissB. Before this cup I was hesitant to try chai. When I had asked a friend about it they only told me that chai was “spicy”. Ask the boyfriend, I don’t do spicy well, which is unfortunate because he is a big fan of heavily spiced, Cajun, type foods.
I added a small splash of milk. This seemed to bring out a cinnamon flavor. Very enjoyable for my lazy morning.
I’m very cautious about chai myself. I’ve had it a couple of times and I’m just not sure about it. It was okay the one time I had it, and the other time I hated it. I don’t know what kind it was either time.
I’ve been so lucky with samples. I don’t want to buy a tin of something that I am unsure of. I didn’t know there could be so much difference between teas of the same type, enough that it was okay one time and then not so much another!
I like samples a lot. It gives a great way to try a tea, and then if I really like it, I can order more. I’ve been ordering a lot of sampler sets, too.
Have you tried Della Terra’s sampler? You get to pick specifically which ones you want to try. —> http://www.dellaterrateas.com/custom-try-me-sampler/
I have not. It looks like a great deal. I’ll probably hold off a little bit as I’ve got three orders I’m still waiting for.
Trying something new from the various Traveling Tea Boxes or swaps has really helped me try new things so I can order things without worrying too much. If you haven’t done swaps or the TTB you might want to try it. I just finished trying from samples from the Tea and Card TTB. There were 62 different teas in the box. It was unbelievable. :D It seems that there are new TTB that open up pretty frequently. They do fill up really fast so if you want to try it, get your name in quickly. Also, lots of people are willing to swap teas.
I haven’t done swaps, because I don’t yet have enough to swap. I’m down for the TTTTB (my first!) and I bought a sample box from KallieBoo’s stash. I’m keeping my eyes open for TTBs for sure.
I had to buy this one, my favorite flowers are peonies! This has a taste that is very different from any other tea I have tried. I am happy that I have now tried a straight white. I like that the dryness from it didn’t go all the way down my throat and become unpleasant as has happened with another white tea I’ve tried. I don’t think white teas are going to be something I reach for often but once in a while is nice.
Had to add a touch of sugar to this one. I am finding I do that a lot. I’m not sure how I feel about that. I may have overleafed this in my attempt to get a couple of the pineapple chunks out of the sample bag. Sadly, I don’t get much pineapple flavor. It is a very nice creamy dessert tea though. Very enjoyable. I could see getting this again if I don’t find something different to try when I use up the sample.