270 Tasting Notes
This is an old sample from a swap a while ago. It brews up a sort of golden-yellow. I get a light taste of blueberry with an even lighter taste of the pineapple, very pleasant. This could be very good iced for the summer that seems so far away. It almost cures my sweet tooth tonight.
I think my water for this one was too warm. It’s a little bitter. I like how light it is. I’m not a big fan of cherry anything but this is nice. I ended up adding a bit of sweetener to combat the bitterness. I’m not blaming the tea on that quite yet as I have yet to invest in a thermometer.
This one tastes fine through the Keuring machine, I’m being lazy and not finding a Wal*mart or something to purchase a kettle. This is my oldest tea so it will be my focus for the next couple weeks :) I feel like I could keep this one in stock but also feel that there are other unflavored green teas out there that I need to try.
Last of this one tonight. I am at my Grandparent’s for five weeks. I had to leave the kettle with the boyfriend. Gramma has a Keurig machine so we tried that. Some of the (admittedly tiny) leaf ended up in the cup. It doesn’t have as bold of a flavor that i am used to from this one. It was quite convenient though. It will be fine to use until I can stop somewhere to get a kettle.
I love the pretty pink liquid of this one. I do not love the smell. I don’t care for the taste either. I know I won’t be ordering this one but appreciate the chance to try it out. I think I will even leave the rest of it here for the boyfriend to try.