We went to DC this weekend. My friend lives right next to the Capital Teas in Bethesda, and she took me there since she knew that I loved tea so much. It was a tiny shop, but they had a whole wall full of glass jars with the teas in them to smell. I loved that because I was able to see the tea and also smell it so I knew what I wanted to purchase. This one definitely stood out to me, it smells richly of dried fruit with just a little hint of spiciness. The tea itself has a sweet cherry and black tea aroma. The flavor is very sweet and fruity even without sugar and there is a strong cherry aftertaste that lingers. The cherry aftertaste kind of reminds me of cherry cough syrup, which I don’t love. Adding sweetener takes the flavor back to a fruity cherry instead of a mediciney cherry. I added a little milk and it became a nice and smooth, creamy cup. This was my first tea from Capital Teas and it’s a winner!
-Dry blend has medium black tea leaves with large dried cherries and pieces of dried fig.
-Dry leaves smell of rich dried fruit with a hint of spiciness. Tea liquor aroma is of sweet cherries and black tea.
-Tea liquor is a clear dark reddish brown color.
-Sweet fruity flavor and finish. Strong cherry aftertaste that lingers.
-Best with sweetener. Milk optional.
-Very good tea. Rich and smooth fruity flavor. Candy cherry taste.